I am 99.9 percent positive that I will publish The Alpha Meets His Match on Monday Sept. 16, if not sooner. I’m also 99.4 percent pure, like Dove Soap. Ha, that shows how old I am.  Have it yooouuur way, at Burger King…wow, do I know a lot of old commercials. My mind is a warehouse stuffed with useless trivia.

So, trip down memory lane is completed now…I’m back…bought y’all a t-shirt…

As soon as the book goes live on Amazon, Nook and Smashwords, I will post here and on Facebook, and email everyone on my mailing list to let them know.  I’m already plotting out the next book in the series. I’m crazy impatient like that.  In a perfect world, I’d publish a book every thirty days.  This book has taken me more like six weeks, and it’s making me cranky.  Then again, I will be saying goodbye to the EDJ soon, so I should be able to wrote more fasterish, and more betterer.