The Mating Game – new series!

Announcing! A new series, The Mating Game, about a dating service for shifters. And, I will be publishing the first book in the series on Kindle Unlimited, on Wednesday. No pre orders, because I have heard too many horror stories from fellow authors about pre-orders...

Shifters of Silver Peak: Mate For A Month

Shifters of Silver Peak: Mate for A Month is now available: Silver Peak is no place for a civilized shifter. One minute, city girl Eileen Pennyroyal is running in terror from a bear – so scared she even forgets that she can turn into a wolf. The next minute, she’s...

Shifters of Silver Peak is available now

Shifters of Silver Peak is available now, on Amazon. It is in Kindle Unlimited. In 90 days, I will also publish it on Barnes & Noble,  Apple and Kobo. Shifters of Silver Peak: Mate Marked And here's the blurb! "Look out, Shifters of Silver Peak, there’s a new...

My Guide to Writing Genre Novels Quickly: Part 2

The reason I keep emphasizing the fact that I'm talking about  "genre" novels here is that every genre comes with a specific set of rules and expectations - and knowing these before you start plotting is vital.  For instance, you can't have a romance without an HEA (...

Before You Hit Publish…

I got some very good advice on what to do before I published my first book, and I am passing it along to you. We're already assuming that you've got a publishable book with a well designed cover (which can be had for anywhere from $50 to a few hundred bucks). The hope...