Bridenapped 2: The Alpha’s Choice

So, I've been working on Bridenapped 2: The Alpha's Choice, and I'm very close to completion. I plan on publishing next Monday, August 24, at the latest, but I may have it out by Friday.  It will be on Amazon only, available through Select.   In the meantime,...

Tyler’s story – update

I am working on the final chapter of Tyler's story, and will have it published by the end of next week.  This morning, I sat down and set my timer for 30 minutes, three times, and wrote 1804 words. I'd say that's an optimum length of a writing session for me most days...

New Shifters Inc. story, word count for the day

I am currently editing the rough draft of Tyler's story. Started at 18,634 words this morning,  and now I'm at 20,277. I'm experimenting with a new thing where in the morning I'm going to edit the two chapters that I wrote the day before...then take a break...then...